Monday, September 21, 2009

Inside the beast

A very good article in the Suntimes today about slating of judicial candidates in Cook County.

According to some who stay, the slate starts out this way: Patti, Veal and Rochford. But suburban committeeman revolt, saying they want Epstein, an Evanston resident, on the ballot. They have the votes to claim their spot on the ticket so Rochford is dropped down to "alternate" along with Reyes.

It's somewhat ironic that Rochford is the judge pushed aside to make way for fellow "Corboy-tied" lawyer Epstein in that she lives even farther up the North Shore -- and in the last election became the first Democrat to win that suburban seat for the Democrats.

There's some discussion about the appellate case slamming Hill Veal, but minority committeemen insist they want an African-American as one of the three appellate court nominees and they judge her the best of the three that presented that morning.

I can’t keep going to my people and telling them to vote for these tickets that are all old white Irish guys -- we need some color on this ticket," said Ald. Lyle, an African-American attorney.

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